The College School
Educational Evaluations
While there are many reasons to pursue an educational evaluation for your child, The College School requests this type of documentation during the inquiry or application process to help us assess a child’s fit for our small and specialized program. Many families enlist the help of their local school districts to have the evaluation completed with no fee attached. Some families are able to get referrals through their pediatricians, and in many cases their medical insurance covers all or a portion of the cost. If you would like to have an evaluation done privately, the process and resultant report tends to unfold a bit more quickly, but it does come with a price tag. There are providers who charge as little as $200 and others who will charge closer to $5000. The difference in price is a reflection of several factors: how much time is actually spent with your child, the credentials and experience of the examiner, the number of assessment tools utilized, and the type of report that is generated by the process.
Should you decide to contact a private practitioner, please request a complete Psycho-educational Evaluation. A complete assessment will evaluate a student’s cognition (ability), attainment (achievement), and neurodevelopmental skills (memory, processing speed, etc.) in their entirety. Some evaluators also look at a student’s emotional functioning to determine if the learning issues are impacting overall self-esteem or self-confidence, or conversely, whether emotional issues might be having a negative effect on learning.
While we refrain from recommending practitioners, we have compiled this list for parents who would like to engage with professionals who are known entities to The College School. Please click below for a list of private practitioners and larger groups who have several examiners on staff.